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Mobile Health’s commitment and dedication to our firm has led to an excellent partnership that has allowed us to grow as an organization.
—Mobile Health Client
STOP Bedsores

World Wide Pressure Ulcer Prevention Day

Posted November 18, 2015

Very soon now humanity will reach a tremendous milestone. For the first time in recorded human history, there are going to be more people over the age of 65 than under the age of 5. Some experts predict that, by 2050, the 65+ population will comprise roughly 16% of the global population. So if you[Read the Rest]

Employee assistance programs for employees struggling with drug addiction

Posted March 30, 2015

An important part of an effective drug-free workplace program is having an employee assistance program (EAP). The EAP particularly serves employees struggling with drug abuse. The Department of Labor cites three reasons for including an EAP in a company’s drug-free workplace program: 1. To recognize employees as vital to the business and valuable members of[Read the Rest]

Mobile Health Logo

Home Healthcare’s Bright Future

Posted March 30, 2015

In an October 2014 workshop on health services presented by the National Research Council & the Institute of Medicine, key speaker Steven Landers (CEO of the Visiting Nurse Association Health Group) discussed the lasting advantages of home healthcare services. Landers emphasized the diminished risk of infections among elderly patients when staying at home versus at[Read the Rest]

Stealing exercise during the day and night

Posted March 24, 2015

Find Unexpected Exercise Sources! Chances are that over the cold winter, you may have decreased your exercise and perhaps packed on a few pounds. While those extra pounds might have been nice for insulation purposes, odds are they weren’t so good for your health. Now that it’s warmer, though, you can go outside, get some[Read the Rest]

Ways to Fight Spring Allergies – Mobile Health

Posted March 17, 2015

Spring is Here! Believe it or not, the first day of spring comes this Friday, March 20th, 2015. This may be hard to imagine as there’s snow in the New York City forecast for that exact day, but we promise you: SPRING IS COMING. Eventually. We’re pretty sure. Spring has tons of good points: total[Read the Rest]

Home Health Aides – Tips for staying healthy at your patient’s house

Posted March 16, 2015

A Home Health Aide’s role as caretaker means they work to improve the quality of life of a patient. This often means they find themselves working in a patient’s house for long hours. During the time spent at a patient’s house, it’s possible Home Health Aides may become exposed to potential health risks. Here are[Read the Rest]