If you’re in the medical staffing field, you know the value of speed better than anyone. Placing candidates quickly is your priority, and you’re always seeking ways to do so more efficiently. Digital medical records are one way to increase the efficiency of candidate screening and hiring.
However, you may not realize how much time you’re losing during the final step in your candidate’s placement process, the pre-employment medical exam.
The Problem: Paper Records
Pre-employment medical assessments can slow your business and cost you crucial money and time. However, these problems don’t occur for the reason that you think.
Many medical staffing companies accept that pre-employment medical exams must be excruciatingly slow. That’s because they haven’t gotten the benefit of digital medical records. In today’s fast paced market, getting your occupational healthcare provider to provide digital medical records is crucial to speeding up candidate placement.
The Answer: Digital Records
Find yourself an occupational healthcare provider with their own digital solution, and benefit from their efficiencies. Fully digitized occupational healthcare providers can produce your medical records as soon as they are completed. Consequently, you will save weeks of waiting for a physician or nurse to fill out a form. Also, if a company can produce digital medical records, you’ll see at first glance any issues with your candidate’s report.
You’ll also benefit from the ease in which digital records can be archived. Digital medical records will provide the full breadth of information on a candidate. This means you have a full history on a candidate at your disposal.
Life is Easier with Digital Records
When you have your candidate’s medical records delivered to you digitally, this last phase of the placement process becomes painless and rapid. The speed at which you’ll be able to confirm the candidate only depends on how long the tests take, and how long you need to interpret the results.
Essentially every aspect of the pre-employment medical examination becomes quicker and easier when everyone climbs on the digital bandwagon. So, if you really want to expedite placement of your medical staff, find an occupational health provider on the same digital wavelength as you.
Tags: Digital Medical Records, Medical Staffing, pre-employment screening, Staffing Firms, Winning the Placement Race