Attention: all Licensed Home Care Service Agencies (LHCSA) in New York’s Suffolk, Nassau, and Westchester counties! On March 1st, 2016 your counties will see their DOH-required total compensation increase from $11.50/hour to $13.22/hour, $3.22/hour of which can be used for wage parity benefits.
Understanding the plight of home care agencies, Mobile Health and its partners have come together to create smart solutions for LHCSAs, CHHAs, LTHHCPs, and MCPs, affected by the new Wage Parity rate increases.
Mobile Health’s wage parity solutions were designed with the needs of both employer and employee in mind, and in designing their solution, Mobile Health has used its 30 years of industry knowledge to create a plan which facilitates a healthier, more informed worker, while keeping employers ACA compliant.
As it stands now, Home Health Aides (HHAs) are required to do post-employment annual screenings including PPD, Drug Screen, Health Review and Immunizations. Mobile Health, the most widely used and recognizable provider in the marketplace, delivers these services, often (but not always) paid for by the employee.
With Mobile Health’s Wage parity solutions, the HHA visiting Mobile Health for their required annual screenings receives a much more comprehensive, informative exam, thus satisfying the ACA preventive description for Minimum Essential Coverage. That means that the HHA stays better informed, healthier, and DOH compliant. While at the same time, employers are offered a solution to their wage parity issues.
Home Care agencies who have not adequately prepared for the March 1st deadline need to act quickly in order to avoid the risk of non-payment for services. Agencies can enquire about Mobile Health’s Wage Parity solutions through their website.
Make sure that you stay informed and up to date on wage parity, and as always, stay healthy!
Tags: Home Care, Mobile Health Advantage, Wage Parity, Wage Parity Clarity