What employers don’t know about Respirator Fit Testing could harm their employees — and result in substantial financial penalties.
That’s why Mobile Health recently partnered with Capital Health Consulting to present “Enforcement in the Era of COVID-19: What Every Business Needs to Know About Respirator Fit Testing.”
Hosted by James Anderson, Mobile Health Chief Sales Officer, the program highlighted the importance of properly fitted respirators, OSHA’s increased oversight of Respirator Fit Testing during COVID-19, and the consequences of ignoring OSHA fit testing regulations.
Mobile Health is a premier provider of on-site and in-clinic OSHA-mandated Respirator Fit Testing and has performed more than 75,000 respirator fit tests since the pandemic began.
Panelist Robert Nemeth, RN BSN LNHA, administrator of Sands Point Center for Health and Rehabilitation, described the devastating effect of COVID-19 on skilled nursing facilities while championing the heroic work of his dedicated staff. Mobile Health partnered with Nemeth, who is also a consultant and educator with Capital Health Consultants, to fit-test more than 200 Sands Point employees within 72 hours to protect them against airborne contaminants, including COVID-19.
Program Highlights
The program included a brief walk-through of OSHA Respirator Fit Testing requirements, including the following:
- Defining the Respirator Fit Test
- Where to obtain a Respirator Fit Test
- How to choose a Respirator Fit Test partner
- When OSHA requires employers to fit-test workers
- Steps to OSHA Respiratory Protection Program compliance
- Penalties for non-compliance with OSHA Respiratory Protection rules
And much more: Watch the webinar.
Mobile Health Respirator Fit Testing
Mobile Health offers a Respirator Fit Test solution for every business. This includes on-site fit tests at work sites to FIT KIT™, an innovative self-administered approach for smaller teams. Mobile Health also offers next-day fit tests at 3,000 locations nationwide. Request your free Respirator Fit Test quote today.