Mobile Health prides itself on being an expert in occupational health for 35+ years and with thousands of locations nationwide. Mobile Health provides employers with quality, innovative, and cost effective medical services to get staff to work quickly and efficiently. We also want patients to have a positive exam experience. That’s why we designed our exams to create a seamless process for patients when they visit our facility.
Employee Exam Experience
Here are some quick tips to pass on to employees. These will help them to know what to expect when they arrive at any Mobile Health location. They will also ensure a faster appointment and a more positive exam experience:
- Punctuality matters: All patients receive a ticket upon arrival. Those who arrive at the right date, time, and location will be seen before those who do not.
- Services determine order: Patients are seen in order of the services they are scheduled for and so it is possible that some will be seen before or after others.
- Wellness counts! Remember that physical exams do not replace annual wellness exams. Also, insurance is NO LONGER accepted for all comprehensive exams.
- Employment-related results only: Employers will only receive results related to patient employment. Patients will receive a full report of their exam at no extra cost.
Mobile Health has created a “Welcome to Mobile Health” informational video (below) to give employees a better understanding of their exam experience with Mobile Health:
Watch this video in other languages:
To serve more of our customers, we have translated this video in Spanish, Russian and Chinese.
Watch “Welcome to Mobile Health” in Spanish
View “Welcome to Mobile Health” in Russian
Watch “Welcome to Mobile Health” in Chinese
Tags: client portal, faq, Home Care, in-service, Mobile Health facility, training